Akshith Ambekar





Developed at HackTJ 10.0, ParkIt is a web application designed to help users find parking in congested areas. Using a live Google Maps interface, this app integrates the Google Maps and Next Parking Lot APIs to identify parking areas near the user's current location or a specified destination. After a location is provided, ParkIt fetches data from the APIs to generate markers representing parking spots on the map. Each marker is linked to a Google Maps directions query that offers directions and more details about the parking spot.

ParkIt demo

For my senior project at TJHSST, I developed a license plate detection algorithm tailored towards the low-resolution camera systems of Tesla vehicles manufactured before 2023. Using a YOLOv8 model trained with over 10000 images of license plates, the algorithm detects plates in dashcam footage and enhances clarity using OpenCV's edge detection, hysteresis, and non-max suppression techniques. The processed image is passed to the EasyOCR optical character recognition library to correctly identify the letters on the license plate, and is displayed in real-time on the original video.

License plate demo


Tailwind CSS



Personal portfolio displaying my experience, skills, and projects.

Portfolio thumbnail